Atari Mega Archive 1
Atari Mega Archive - Volume 1.iso
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makeindex - a general purpose, formatter-independent index
makeindex [-c] [-g] [-i] [-l] [-o _✓i_✓n_✓d] [-p _✓n_✓u_✓m] [-q] [-r]
[-s _✓s_✓f_✓i_✓l_✓e] [-t _✓l_✓o_✓g] [_✓i_✓d_✓x_✓0 _✓i_✓d_✓x_✓1 _✓i_✓d_✓x_✓2...]
The program _✓m_✓a_✓k_✓e_✓i_✓n_✓d_✓e_✓x is a general purpose hierarchical
index generator; it accepts one or more input files (often
produced by a text formatter such as TeX (_✓t_✓e_✓x(1L)) or
_✓t_✓r_✓o_✓f_✓f(1), sorts the entries, and produces an output file
which can be formatted. The index can have up to three lev-
els (0, 1, and 2) of subitem nesting. The way in which
words are flagged for indexing within the main document is
specific to the formatter used; _✓m_✓a_✓k_✓e_✓i_✓n_✓d_✓e_✓x does _✓n_✓o_✓t automate
the process of selecting these words. As the output index
is hierarchical, _✓m_✓a_✓k_✓e_✓i_✓n_✓d_✓e_✓x can be considered complimentary
to the _✓a_✓w_✓k(1)-based _✓m_✓a_✓k_✓e._✓i_✓n_✓d_✓e_✓x(1L) system of Bentley and
Kernighan, which is specific to _✓t_✓r_✓o_✓f_✓f(1), generates non-
hierarchical indices, and employs a much simpler syntax for
indicating index entries. For illustration of use with
_✓t_✓r_✓o_✓f_✓f and _✓T_✓e_✓X, see the section EXAMPLES below.
The formats of the input and output files are specified in a
style file; by default, input is assumed to be a ._✓i_✓d_✓x file,
as generated by LaTeX.
Unless specified explicitly, the base name of the first
input file (_✓i_✓d_✓x_✓0) is used to determine the names of other
files. For each input file name specified, a file of that
name is sought. If this file is not found and the file name
has no extension, the extension ._✓i_✓d_✓x is appended. If no
file with this name is found, _✓m_✓a_✓k_✓e_✓i_✓n_✓d_✓e_✓x aborts.
If exactly one input file was given and no explicit style
file was specified using -s, _✓m_✓a_✓k_✓e_✓i_✓n_✓d_✓e_✓x uses a file with the
extension ._✓m_✓s_✓t as default style file (when present).
For important notes on how to select index keywords, see the
document by Lamport cited below. As an issue separate from
selecting index keywords, a systematic mechanism for placing
index terms in a document is suggested in _✓I_✓n_✓d_✓e_✓x _✓P_✓r_✓e_✓p_✓a_✓r_✓a_✓t_✓i_✓o_✓n
_✓a_✓n_✓d _✓P_✓r_✓o_✓c_✓e_✓s_✓s_✓i_✓n_✓g, a paper cited below.
-c Compress intermediate blanks (ignoring leading and
trailing blanks and tabs). By default, blanks in
the index key are retained.
-g Employ German word ordering in the index, in
accord with rules set forth in DIN 5007. By
default, _✓m_✓a_✓k_✓e_✓i_✓n_✓d_✓e_✓x employs a word ordering in
which precedence is: symbols, numbers, uppercase
letters, lowercase letters. The sequence in Ger-
man word ordering is: symbols, lowercase letters,
uppercase letters, numbers. Additionally, this
option enables _✓m_✓a_✓k_✓e_✓i_✓n_✓d_✓e_✓x to recognize the German
TeX-commands {"a, "o, "u and "s} as {ae, oe, ue
and ss} during the sorting of the entries. The
quote character must be redefined in a style file
(for example, redefine quote as '+'). If the
quote character is not redefined, _✓m_✓a_✓k_✓e_✓i_✓n_✓d_✓e_✓x will
produce an error message and abort.
-i Take input from _✓s_✓t_✓d_✓i_✓n. When this option is speci-
fied and -o is not, output is written to _✓s_✓t_✓d_✓o_✓u_✓t.
-l Letter ordering; by default, word ordering is used
(see the ORDERING section).
-o _✓i_✓n_✓d Employ _✓i_✓n_✓d as the output index file. By default,
the file name is created by appending the exten-
sion ._✓i_✓n_✓d to the base name of the first input file
-p _✓n_✓u_✓m Set the starting page number of the output index
file to be _✓n_✓u_✓m (useful when the index file is to
be formatted separately). The argument _✓n_✓u_✓m may be
numerical or one of the following:
_✓a_✓n_✓y The starting page is the last source
page number plus 1.
_✓o_✓d_✓d The starting page is the first odd page
following the last source page number.
_✓e_✓v_✓e_✓n The starting page is the first even page
following the last source page number.
The last source page is obtained by searching
backward in the log file for the first instance of
a number included within paired square brackets
([...]). If a page number is missing or the log
file is not found, no attempt will be made to set
the starting page number. The source log file
name is determined by appending the extension ._✓l_✓o_✓g
to the base name of the first input file (_✓i_✓d_✓x_✓0).
-q Quiet mode; send no messages to _✓s_✓t_✓d_✓e_✓r_✓r. By
default, progress and error messages are sent to
_✓s_✓t_✓d_✓e_✓r_✓r as well as to the transcript file.
-r Disable implicit page range formation; page ranges
must be created by using explicit range operators;
see SPECIAL EFFECTS below. By default, three or
more successive pages are automatically abbrevi-
ated as a range (e.g. 1-5).
-s sty Employ _✓s_✓t_✓y as the style file (no default). The
environment variable INDEXSTYLE defines the path
where the style file should be found.
-t log Employ _✓l_✓o_✓g as the transcript file. By default,
the file name is created by appending the exten-
sion ._✓i_✓l_✓g to the base name of the first input file
The style file informs _✓m_✓a_✓k_✓e_✓i_✓n_✓d_✓e_✓x about the format of the
._✓i_✓d_✓x input files and the intended format of the final output
file; examples appear below. This file can reside anywhere
in the path defined by the environment variable INDEXSTYLE.
The style file contains a list of <_✓s_✓p_✓e_✓c_✓i_✓f_✓i_✓e_✓r, _✓a_✓t_✓t_✓r_✓i_✓b_✓u_✓t_✓e>
pairs. There are two types of specifiers: input and output.
Pairs do not have to appear in any particular order. A line
begun by `%' is a comment. In the following list of specif-
iers and arguments, <string> is an arbitrary string delim-
ited by double quotes ("..."), <char> is a single letter
embraced by single quotes ('...'), and <number> is a nonne-
gative integer. The maximum length of a <string> is 2048.
A literal backslash or quote must be escaped (by a
backslash). Anything not specified in the style file will
be assigned a default value, which is shown at the head of
the rightmost column.
actual <char> '@'
Symbol indicating that the next
entry is to appear in the output
arg_close <char> '}'
Closing delimiter for the index
entry argument.
arg_open <char> '{'
Opening delimiter for the index
entry argument.